Reverse Mortgages in NYC

Reverse Mortgages in NYC

A reverse mortgage is a financial product that allows homeowners, typically aged 60 or older, to convert part of their home equity into cash while retaining ownership of their property. This option can be particularly appealing to seniors who are “house rich” but “cash poor,”...

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How to Use Home Equity If You Have To: An In-Depth Analysis

How to Use Home Equity If You Have To: An In-Depth Analysis

As older adults navigate financial planning, one of the most significant assets they own is their home. In situations where additional funds are needed—especially to cover long-term care costs—home equity can be a valuable financial resource. However, accessing home equity requires careful considera...

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How Trusts Can Shield Your Wealth in New York State (NYS)

How Trusts Can Shield Your Wealth in New York State (NYS)

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. Trusts have long been regarded as essential tools for wealth management and protection. In New York State (NYS), where state laws impose high tax rates and extensive estate and inheritance planning requirements, trusts offer unique opportunities to safeguard assets, minimize ...

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