How Does Probate Work in NYS, and Can It Be Avoided?

How Does Probate Work in NYS, and Can It Be Avoided?

By the Law Firm of Figeroux & Associates Probate is the legal process of validating a will and distributing a deceased person’s assets under court supervision. In New York State, this process can be time-consuming, costly, and public. Understanding how probate works—and whether it can be avoided...

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How Trusts Can Shield Your Wealth in New York State (NYS)

How Trusts Can Shield Your Wealth in New York State (NYS)

By Brian Figeroux, Esq. Trusts have long been regarded as essential tools for wealth management and protection. In New York State (NYS), where state laws impose high tax rates and extensive estate and inheritance planning requirements, trusts offer unique opportunities to safeguard assets, minimize ...

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