Protecting Your Estate: Safeguarding Your Legacy and Future

Protecting Your Estate: Safeguarding Your Legacy and Future

Estate planning is not just about drafting legal documents; it’s about securing your legacy and ensuring your loved ones are taken care of when you can no longer do so yourself. By taking proactive steps today, you can navigate potential threats that could compromise your estate plan and jeopa...

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Grandfamilies and Kinship Families: Caring for Young Relatives

Grandfamilies and Kinship Families: Caring for Young Relatives

By National Institute on Aging Many older adults are caregivers for their grandchildren or other young relatives. In the United States, more than 2.7 million children are currently being raised by older family members. These kinds of families are often called grandfamilies, in the case of grandparen...

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The Importance of Estate Planning

The Importance of Estate Planning

No one likes thinking about death, but sooner or later, we all need to make plans for the inevitable. Some people assume that their possessions will automatically transfer to their spouse or other family members if they die. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Estate planning offers some con...

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5 Things You Can’t or Shouldn’t Put in Your Will

5 Things You Can’t or Shouldn’t Put in Your Will

If you add up the value of everything you own and subtract the value of everything you owe, that’s called your net worth. When you die, it’s called your estate. While you’re still alive, you have the opportunity to designate how to divide your estate among your family and friends w...

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Encourage Family to Plan

Encourage Family to Plan

When planning your estate, ask loved ones if they have taken proactive steps to begin their strategy. Regardless of age, health condition or the number of assets, adults should have a plan in place to protect their family members after a death.  It can be a challenging subject to approach, but devel...

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Understanding Pre-Planning

Understanding Pre-Planning

Before you can become familiar with estate planning, it’s imperative to understand the concept of an estate. Consider everything you own, including your car, home, bank accounts, and even personal possessions. Your estate consists of everything that is legally yours.  When you’re gone, it is in your...

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Why Consider Life Insurance?

Why Consider Life Insurance?

Life insurance is an important policy to have when pre-planning your estate. Chances are, you will have remaining debts and taxes to be paid after death. A qualified policy can help alleviate the financial strain of an emotional family that will already be suffering your loss. If you’re still on the...

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A Living Trust or Will?

A Living Trust or Will?

When estate pre-planning, most Americans are familiar with the importance of having a last will and testament. Did you know that without naming a revocable living trust, your family may experience the dreaded-probate process? According to the American Association of Retired Persons, probate is the l...

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